Page 9 - Annual Report 2019-20
P. 9

中心關注兒童及家長的輔導需要,多年以來已                            The Centre closely works with education institu-
               為幼稚園及小學學生、家長和老師提供全方位                            tions including child care service and kindergar-
               校本支援服務。今年8月,中心參與第二期「在                           ten and primary school, and render school-
               學前單位提供社工服務先導計劃」,為葵涌區                            based  support  services  for  students,  parents,
               六所幼稚園幼兒園和兒童中心,提供個案輔導                            and teachers in previous years.  We participated
                                                               in the Second phrase Pilot Scheme on Social
                                                               Work Service for Pre-primary Institutions in
                                                               August 2019.  We render case and counselling
                                                               services in six Child Care Centre and Kindergar-
                                                               tens in Kwai Tsing.  Those school social workers
                                                               can assist families who will be in crisis at the
                                                               earliest stage.

               葵涌區劏房單位林立,「賽馬會陽光計劃」幫                            Subdivided flats can be commonly found in old
               助居住在狹小劏房的基層家庭建立地區互助網                            private buildings in Kwai Chung.  The Jockey
               絡。中心於2010年2月創立社區互惠銀行,這項                         Club Sunshine Programme  assists residents
               嶄新的互助網絡模式幫助基層市民發揮潛能,                            living  in  unfavorable  living  environments  to
               促進存戶之間互相幫助,協助他們重建自信和                            establish  mutual  support  networks.    The
                                                               People’s Talents Bank was established in Febru-
                                                               ary 2010.  This strength-based driven social
                                                               service model demonstrates a new form of “give
                                                               and  take”  mutual  support  practice.    It  enables
                                                               people  to  rebuild  their  self-confidence  and
                                                               self-image  during  the  mutual  support  process,
                                                               so as to encourage them to tackle their life
                                                               difficulties positively.  The Kwai Chung Commu-
                                                               nity Service Centre that is located at Kwai Chung
                                                               Estate commenced service in June 2019.  It will
                                                               be the headquarter of the People’s Talents Bank
                                                               and  continuously  promote  mutual  support
                                                               programmes and community-based Time Bank
                                                               in the long run.

               葵青區聚居了一批少數族裔家庭,他們積極融                            Kwai  Tsing  District  also  inhabits  a  group  of
               入香港生活,他們在學習及就業過程中卻面對                            ethnic  minorities  (“EMs”).  The  linguistic  barrier
               重重語言限制和困難。「賽馬會友趣學中文計                            is the main obstacle EMs encounter during the
               劃」為非華語幼稚園學生提供中文學習支援服                            education and employment process.  The
               務,並教導少數族裔家長學習廣東話和中文,                            C-for-Chinese@JC provides Chinese learning
                                                               support service to non-Chinese speaking kinder-
                                                               garten children.  Their parents also learn
                                                               Cantonese and Chinese through the Parent-led
                                                               Home Programmes.  This Chinese learning
                                                               programme is going to extend to support prima-
                                                               ry school pupils that aims to assist EMs to have a
                                                               solid base for Chinese learning in primary

               在促進少數族裔青年就業方面,香港翻譯通聘                            An encouraging start of their career is important
               請少數族裔人士擔任傳譯員,「賽馬會友趣學                            for young people.  The Centre provides new job
               中文計劃」提供多元文化學習助理職位,                              opportunities for EM youth, such as being inter-
               Cultural  Playground項目則創造不同的課程導                 preters of the Hong Kong TransLingual Service,
                                                               Multicultural  Learning  Facilitators  of  the
                                                               C-for-Chinese@JC, or tutors and instructors of
                                                               the Cultural Playground. The Pioneer@Ex-
                                                               tra-Mile of Hong Kong International Airport also
                                                               assists EM youth to open up their career options.
                                                               We  hope  EM  families  can  break  through  the
                                                               vicious  cycle  of  intergenerational  poverty  by
                                                               improving  education  performance  at  the  earli-
                                                               est  stage  and  having  a  better  start  of  a  career
                                                               path for their next generation.

                                                                                          總幹事報告 Director’s Report  5
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