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                                         Chairman’ s Remark
                                                                                                                                                      Aims, Objectivs, Brief History

                                                                               陳謳明主教                                                                                           宗旨 Aims
                                                                               The Rt. Revd. Andrew Chan
                                                                                                                                       為發揚基督的大愛,提供機會以增強社區及                      The organization is established as an expression of love of Jesus Christ to serve
                                                                                                                                       區內人士在個人、社會意識、道德、精神等                      all persons and the Community at large with facilities and opportunities for
                                                                                                                                       各方面的成長及發展。                               personal, social, moral and spiritual development.
         「我們知道,萬事都互相效力,叫愛上帝的人得益                        “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those
          處,就是按他旨意被召的人。」                               who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.“
                                    羅馬書8章28節                                                   Romans 8:28                                                                  目標 Objectives

              港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心自於1973年11月                      n accordance to the Bible teaching “Not to be served, but to serve”, Hong Kong   1. 提供各類的小組及社區活動,促進區內居                 1. To enable the growth and development of all persons in the community
          香 成立以來,本著「非以役人,乃役於人」的                        ISheng Kung Hui Lady MacLehose Centre has spared no effort in serving the         民的成長。                                    through various kinds of group and community services.
          基督精神,關懷社會上弱勢的一群,並為他們提                        needy since November 1973. Service users with various needs are receiving       2. 因應社區需求及配合社區發展,鼓勵居民                    2. To serve the community in its needs for leadership training and
          供適切的服務與支援。感謝上主的賜福,中心在                        adequate support from our service network. With greatest gratitude to the         參與社區事務及訓練領袖人材。                           community development, and to promote social participation.
                                                       everlasting grace from God, our Centre has gradually transformed from a small
          董事會和管理委員會的領導下,過去四十四年,                        community Centre to a comprehensive social service centre through the past      3. 研究社會需求,探究不同服務策略並提供                    3. To study the social needs and methods of social service, and to
          從一間小小的社區中心發展至提供多元化綜合服                        44 years. The patronage from various industries and donors, the guidance of our   解決需求的服務。                                 implement such services in concrete terms.
          務的機構,亦獲得政府部門、基金和業界同儕友                        Management Committee as well as the commendations from the society are all      4. 推行宗教活動,給與靈性的培植和推動堂                    4. To render religious activities to those in need of spiritual nourishment
          好的肯定和嘉許。                                     crucial elements that led to the Centre’s accomplishment today.                   校社服合作。                                   and to introduce Christianity to members through cooperation between
                                                                                                                                                                                  the church, the centre and other schools.
          隨著香港聖公會的發展,香港聖公會教省議決啟動                       In pace with the development of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui, the Province of
          香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心融入香港聖公會福利協                       Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui resolved that the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Lady                                     機構歷史簡介 Brief History
          會有限公司的安排。經各方協商並獲中心董事會確                       MacLehose Centre should be integrated into the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui
          認,有關安排於2017年4月1日落實運作,中心董                     Welfare Council Limited. On 1st April 2017, the integration arrangement was     聖公會港澳教區為發揚基督的大愛,乃建立                      To express the love of Jesus Christ, the Sheng Kung Hui Diocese established this
                                                       implemented officially after series of consultation with related stakeholders. The
          事會於2017年4月1日起正式解散,由中心管理委                     original Board of Directors was formally dissolved and existing Management      此社會服務機構。承蒙機構名譽贊助人香港                      social service agency.  It was named S.K.H. Lady MacLehose Centre at the request
          員會繼續管理中心之財務、人事、服務發展及其他                       Committee continues to manage financial control, human resources, service       第25任港督麥理浩爵士夫人之邀請,遂命名                     of the principal benefactor and the patronage of Lady MacLehose, wife of the 25th
          事宜,並向福利協會董事會直接負責。在此,我要                       development and miscellaneous affairs, reporting directly to the of Board of Directors   為聖公會麥理浩夫人中心。                    Governor of Hong Kong.
          向中心董事會致以最衷心的謝意,感謝他們帶領中                       of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited. I must express my gratitude   本機構於1973年11月20日成立 ; 樓高六層              The organization was established on 20th November, 1973.  The six-storeys
          心服務,創出一個又一個的高峰。此外,亦要感謝                       to the dedicated members of the out-going Board of Directors for their years of   的總部服務大樓於1973、1980和1994年分               Headquarter and main service building was built and extended by three phrases,
          分別於1979年及2002年加入管理委員會的關恆生                    service, heaping success upon achievements. I wish to convey special thanks to   三期發展和擴建。本機構服務由最早期的青                     with the milestones in 1973, 1980 and 1994.  Started from providing services
          先生和鄺冼麗芳女士,他們盡心盡力,就服務發展                       Mr. Alexander Kwan and Mrs. Jacqueline Kwong, who joined the Management         年及工友服務,不斷開辦創新服務,以回應                      for young people and labour workers, we devoted to be the pioneer in providing
          給予寶貴的意見,唯因個別原因,於2017年4月1                     Committee in 1979 and 2002 respectively, and have brought invaluable contributions   居民的服務需要。                            innovative social services for all people fulfilling their needs.
                                                       in their years of service. Due to personal reasons, Mr. Kwan and Mrs. Kwong
          日起退出管理委員會,本人謹此祝福關先生和鄺太                       have withdrawn from our Management Committee since 1st April 2017. May they     本機構在1980年獲政府資助開辦社區中心                     The organization was being subvented to provide community centre service since 1980.
          主恩常偕,福杯滿溢!                                   continue to find favour in God and be filled with divine grace in future days.  服務,並開拓創新的工業社會服務。在80年                     The innovative Industrial Social Service started in the same year.  Other subvented
                                                                                                                                       代,本機構逐步開辦老人中心、育嬰園及幼                      services included Social Centre for the Elderly, Nursery and Crèche, Neighbourhood
          事實上,中心有幸擁有一群充滿服務熱誠的同工,                       The Centre is blessed with a committed workforce, they have been pioneers in    兒園、鄰舍層面社區服務計劃和家庭生活教                      Level Community Development Project, and Family Life Education Service started in
          他們敏於洞察社會需要,擔任社會服務先鋒角色,                       recognizing and responding to community needs. Through close collaboration with   育等政府資助服務,為荃灣、葵涌和青衣區                    the following few years. All these services served people of all ages and social classes
          積極聯繫各界別,當中包括教會、教育界、醫護                        churches, education institutions, medical units and, business and other sectors,   內每一年齡和階層居民服務。                         living in Tsuen Wan, Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi.
          界、商界等,共同協力推動以5C(「社區照顧」、                      our staff members never faltered in their drive to implement service provision in   隨著1994年完成總部服務大樓擴建發展,                 The main service building extension and development work was completed in 1994.
                                                       “Community Building”, “Community Care”, “Community Health”, “Building up
         「社區建設」、「社區健康」、「建立社區資本」、「社                     Community Capital” and “Community Cohesion”. Hereby, I would like to express    本機構開展一系列自負盈虧社區健康促進服                      It was followed by the provision of a series of community health promotion services,
          區融和」)為目標的社會服務。在此,我們特別感                       my sincere gratitude towards Mrs. Yuk Fung Yin King who has stepped down from   務、牙科診所和佳音服務。在1995年,本機                    dental clinic, and gospel service.  In 1995, the subvented Multi-services for the Elderly
          謝在2017年10月卸任總幹事一職的沃馮嬿琼女                      the position of Director from October 2017. During her tenure of over twenty years,   構獲政府資助提供老人綜合服務中心和家務                and Home Help Service started. In the following few years, the organization carried
          士。在她在任的二十多年期間,帥領著六百多位同                       Mrs. Yuk unequivocally and persistently sought breakthrough amidst ever changing   助理服務,並在隨後數年逐步開辦中年失業                   out various retraining programmes for the unemployed middle age people.  All these
                                                                                                                                                                                comprehensive and diversified service packages manifested the organization’s
          工,在複雜多變的服務環境內尋求突破,以無比堅                       challenges. Together with more than 600 staff members, Mrs. Yuk’s devoted efforts   全面的社區為本綜合社會服務特色。                     distinctiveness in providing community oriented and integrated social services.
          毅精神去跨越種種限制,策劃多個創新計劃,並取                       have brought us numerous service awards and continuous patronage from different
          得優異的服務成果,機構亦因此而獲得不同政府部                       donor institutions. (For details please refer to the Director’s Report) On the behalf   香港聖公會教省於1998年成立,本機構亦             The Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Provincial was established in 1998, and
          門和慈善基金的信賴和支持,年度內亦獲業界頒授                       of our Management Committee and all fellow staff members, please allow me to    隨之而易名為香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心。                      our organization was renamed as the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Lady
                                                       express genuine appreciation for her diligent years of service.
                                                                                                                                                                                MacLehose Centre.  The Millennium has brought the organization to a new
          多個獎項(詳情可參閱總幹事報告)。我在此代表                                                                                                       踏入千禧年代,本機構服務進入新紀元。隨                      era. In view of the rapid development in Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing, and great
          本中心管委及同工向她表示由衷謝意。                                                                                                            會服務需求的不斷增加,本機構遂於2001年                    demand on social services, the organization began to set up various integrated
                                                                                                                                       開始在青衣和荃灣區開設新綜合服務中心,                      social service centres in Tsing Yi and Tsuen Wan since 2001. In 2002, we also
          未來,期望繼續獲得大家的支持,與本機構同心同                       Looking to the days in the future, I hope that we shall continue to receive support from   並在2002年開辦首個社會企業營運點,亦          commenced our first social enterprise station.  Besides, the organization
          行,在服務中實踐愛,為弱勢社群提供服務和成長                       all of you, so that we can journey forth together to embody God’s love through our   於2003年開始提供小學的全方位學生輔導服               started to render the first Comprehensive Student Guidance Services for
          平台,達至助人自助,締造和諧美好的社區,並從                       service provision. We shall endeavour to deliver quality services to the residents of Tsuen   務,而於2006年起,開展特殊社群,包括新      primary School in 2003. Since 2006, the organization has developed care
          中體現上主的大能和慈愛!                                 Wan, Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi. As we care for the weak and the needy, we shall also   移民、少數族裔、長期病患者、受虐婦女等                 support for new arrivals, ethnic minorities, chronic patients, female domestic
                                                       endeavour to promote and build platforms for self-help and mutual-help, aiming to bring   的支援工作,和試行各項嶄新的服務計劃,            violence victims and other people in need.  In the following few years, various
                                                       harmony to our community and manifest the love and strength of our God!         以便更有效地為區內居民提供適切服務。                       pilot projects responded to people’s different needs were launched.
                                                                                                                                       本機構以「社區建設,社區照顧,社區健                       The Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Lady MacLehose Centre has dedicated to serve
         「主――我的上帝啊,我要一心稱謝你 ; 我要榮耀                      “I will praise thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart: and I will               康,建立社會資本和社區融和」服務設計                       all people with diversified and comprehensive social services, in order to achieve
          你的名,直到永遠!」                                   glorify thy name for evermore.”                                                 綱領,為各年齡和階層居民提供全面的社                       the ultimate goals of ‘Community Building, Community Care, Community Health,
                                     詩篇86篇12節                                                   Psalm 86:12                            會服務,與香港社會和荃灣及葵青區一起                       Building Community Capital and Community Cohesion’. It grows with the Tsuen
                                                                                                                                       成長。                                      Wan and Kwai Tsing, and also with the Hong Kong.

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