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                                            Director’ s Report

                                                                                  Mrs. Yuk Fung Yin King

          過去一年,香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心以「社區                     In the past year, Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Lady MacLehose Centre
          融和顯關愛,齊心協力創未來」為口號,並秉承                     took “Together We Care, Together We Build a Bright Future” as our
         「非以役人,乃役於人」的基督精神,關懷社區                      annual service theme. “Not to be served, but to serve” is our motto,
          內不同階層人士的需要,並積極與官、商、校、                     we responded swiftly to meet the community needs and co-operated
          社服各界合作,開展多項新服務計劃,共同創造                     closely with government departments, people from different sectors,                欣獲嘉許  推動不斷進步                              Further our Services with Recognition from the Community
          美好未來。                                     foundations, residents and members to initiate a series of innovative
                                                    projects. We hope that a better and harmonious community can be built              同工追求精益求精的精神及刻苦認真的態度,讓                     Despite insufficient resources, our Organization insists on providing innovative
                                                    up with efforts from all round.                                                    機構縱然在有限資源的情況下,仍能有效地為社                     services with high quality. Service quality and staff’s attitude of our organization
                                                                                                                                       區提供優質及具前瞻性的服務,因此獲得各界好                     are always being appreciated by our community.  During the year, we received
          多元服務  彰顯社區關愛                              Spread Social Care with Distinctive Services                                       評及獎項。去年獲得的獎項包括 :                          several service project awards:

          去年機構開展的各項新服務計劃,包括了為回應                     During the previous year, our Organization launched various kinds                  • 「DR. Youth」-《商、民、社、校》新來港青少              •  “DR. Youth” – Social Capital Project Nurturing New Arrival Youth & Social
          社區內貧窮家庭兒童發展的需要,而向社會福利                     of new projects. In response to the needs of children who grow in                   年社會資本協作及社區共融計劃,榮獲勞工及                       Integration through Business & Professional Sectors, Residents, Schools
          署成功申請開展為期六年的兒童發展基金「生命                     underprivileged family, a six-year project “Life Journey with Passion and           福利局頒發社會資本卓越計劃獎 ;                           & Community won the Outstanding Social Capital Project Awards from
          歷程伴我創」兒童成長發展計劃,以協助兒童學                     Love” funded by the Child Development Fund have been successfully                                                              the Labour and Welfare Bureau.
          會理財技巧及定立正確人生目標。                           launched for the promotion of financial literacy and foster of positive life
                                                    goals among children.                                                              • 「香港翻譯通服務」獲得JCI Victoria 維多利亞            •  Hong Kong TransLingual Services was awarded “GOOD SO Outstanding
                                                                                                                                        青年商會《2016 Good So傑出創意社企大獎》;                Social Enterprises Award” of JCI Victoria InnoBrand 2016.
          此外,在百物騰貴情況下,昂貴的租金樓價令普                     Under the inflated prices, the poor suffers unreasonably from high
          通市民百上加斤,難以找到合適的安樂窩,社區                     household rent, and most of them eventually live in sub-divided flat with          • 「老幼好薯」計劃獲頒「老有所為活動計劃」                    •  “X-Generation Potatoes Head” Project won 2014-2016 Opportunities for
          內不少家庭因而只能蝸居於環境衛生俱不理想的                     unbearable hygienic condition. In order to ease their familial burden,              2014-16年度跨界別合作獎 ;                          the Elderly Project - Special Award of Cross-sector Collaboration.
          劏房內。為了支援這些家庭的需要,機構本年度                     “Sunshine Neighbourhood Centre” is opened at Bank Building, where
          在基金的支持下,開設位於銀行大廈的「陽光鄰                     the sub-divided flat residents can acquire supports including advice on            • 「自由香港字型」計劃獲2017香港資訊及通訊                  •  “Free HK Fonts” won Hong Kong ICT Awards 2017 of Best Lifestyle
          里互助中心」,為劏房居民提供社區支援服務,                     rental issue, usage of “community-share kitchen” and “cooperative-                  科技獎之「最佳生活時尚獎銅獎」及「樂活銀                       (Learning & Living) Bronze Award and Special Mention (Silver Power).
          包括租務諮詢、「社區廚房」、以及「共同購買計                    purchase”.                                                                          髮特別嘉許」;

                                                                                                                                       • 「建業坊」成功獲得香港社會企業總會SEE創                   •  “Career Station” successfully received Social Enterprise Endorsement
          此外,葵荃青區聚居了眾多的少數族裔人士,他                     Further, there are lots of ethnic minorities living in Kwai Tsing and Tsuen         進級社企認證 ;                                   Mark (Intermediate) from Hong Kong General Chamber of Social
          們因語言的障礙,在學習、就業及生活上遇到不                     Wan district. Due to language barrier, they have to curb with daily                                                            Enterprises.
          少困難,難以真正融入社會。有見及此,機構去                     learning and employment difficulties. In response to their communal-
          年獲香港賽馬會慈善信託基金資助,與香港大                      integration unease, a pilot scheme named “C for Chinese” has been                  •  就業發展綜合服務同工在第九屆ERB「人才發                  •  Integrated Career Development Service Unit won ERB Outstanding
          學、香港理工大學及香港教育大學合作,推行專                     launched under the sponsorship from Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities                 展計劃」頒獎禮中,獲頒ERB傑出導師獎、                       Award for Trainee, ERB Outstanding Award for Instructor and ERB
          門針對非華語學童中文學習的先導計劃「友趣學                     Trust. The scheme is carried out with the cooperation of University                 傑出僱主奬和傑出學員奬項;                              Outstanding Award for Employer in the 9  ERB “Manpower Development
          中文」計劃,並設立位於貿易之都的新服務場                      of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the Education                                                               Scheme” Award Presentation.
          地,以加強學校、家庭及社區合作,一起支持                      University of Hong Kong for cohering the network among schools,
          非華語學童增強中文能力,協助他們跨越語言                      families and community in the support of non-Chinese students’ Chinese
          障礙。                                       learning progress.                                                                 •  家庭及社區綜合服務專責劏房工作的同工獲香                   •  Staff from the Integrated Family and Community Service Unit won the
                                                                                                                                        港社會工作人員協會頒發「第二十五屆優秀社                       25th Annual Outstanding Social Workers Award (Junior) from Hong Kong
                                                                                                                                        工選舉」新秀社工獎 ;                                Social Workers Association.
          至於就業支援方面,去年機構為僱員再培訓局                      In the aspect of career support, our Organization has started two pilot
          推展兩項試點計劃,包括「起步點」及「服務                      schemes with the Employees Retraining Board, which include “Smart
          站」,另外,亦在年內開設位於葵涌廣場新社企                     Starter” and “Service Spot”. Moreover, social enterprise “I-Nail” has              •  長者綜合服務同工在全港「第三屆安老服務傑                   •  Staff from Integrated Services for the Elderly Unit was awarded the
          項目「悅麗居」,為區內婦女及聽障人士提供美                     started its operation at Kwai Chung Plaza where nail-care related career            出員工選舉」中獲頒十大傑出安老員工獎項。                       “Outstanding Employee - The 3rd Employee Awards in Elderly Care Service”.
          甲服務的工作機會。                                 vacancy would be provided.
                                                                                                                                       齊心協力  共創美好未來                              Look Ahead the Future
          隨著社區人口老齡化,機構去年亦加強對長者及                     “Flyway Network”: Active Aging Project for Elderly funded by
          其家人的支援,年內開展了「逆風耆織」社區投                     Community Investment and Inclusion Fund, “Forget Me Not: Dementia                  未來一年,機構為配合發展需要,各方面將有不                     In the coming year, there will be enormous change ahead. In order to
          資共享基金計劃、「毋忘我」認知障礙症家居生                     Elderly Home Living Instruction Service”, and JC JoyAge : Jockey Club              少重大轉變。機構總部大樓工商業社會服務部及                     accommodate further expansions of our services and provide service with
          活指導服務計劃和賽馬會樂齡同行計劃等多項長                     Holistic Support Project for Elderly Mental Wellness are the elderly               麥理浩餐廳將分別於2017年年中及年底進行裝                    greater quality, the office of Integrated Career Development Service Unit
          者照顧的計劃,並因應服務發展,增設長期護理                     support projects launched to curb with the population aging problem.               修工程,期望工程竣工後,能以嶄新的面貌提供                     and restaurant will be renovated in mid and late 2017 respectively. Despite
          綜合服務部(西葵涌辦事處),以及完成總部大                     To accommodate our service development and bring new experience to                 更高質的服務。在未來的日子內,機構會堅持                      the challenges, we will stand united with the community. We are certain
          樓內林植宣博士老人綜合服務中心現代化工程。                     our service users, Integrated Long Term Care Services Unit (Kwai Chung            「社區為本」服務綱領,與社區風雨同路,共創                      through joint effort, our future will be bright and full of hope.
          往後透過理想的服務場地,令服務運作更暢順,                     West Office) has started its operation and the renovation of Dr. Lam Chik          美好未來。
          及為服務使用者帶來新體驗。                             Suen District Elderly Community Centre was completed during the year.

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