Page 5 - 2017-18 Annual Report
P. 5

                  Chairman’s Remark                                        The Rt. Revd. Andrew Chan

              「主的靈在我身上,因為他用膏膏我,叫我傳福音給貧窮的人;                      Centre have since then been able to co-ordinate work
              差遣我報告:被擄的得釋放,瞎眼的得看見,叫那受壓制的得自                      and  duties  according  to  corporate  governance,
              由,報告上帝悅納人的禧年。」                                    management,  risk  control  and  accountability.  Since
                                                 路加福音 4:18      April 2017, in order to preserve the uniqueness of the
                                                                existing  operation  of  the  Centre  and  to  respond
                                                                effectively  to  the  needs  of  the  service  districts,  the
                                                                Board  of  Directors  of  Hong  Kong  Sheng  Kung  Hui
                                                                Welfare  Council  Limited  has  resolved  to  retain  the
                                                                Management Committee of the Centre and authorized
                                                                it  to  manage  the  Centre  including  its  management,
                                                                supervision,  and  developmental  activities.  The  daily
                                                                operation  of  the  Centre  will  remain  the  duties  of  the
              利協會,理順各單位的管治角色、責任以及風險的控制與承擔。                      Director of the Centre. I would like to take this chance
              中心董事會於2017年4月將中心管治權交予福利協會,福利協會                    to express my gratitude to the Board of Directors of the
              董事會決定保留中心管理委員會以直接負責中心的管理、監察和                      Centre for its continued support and guidance over the
              發展,而日常工作繼續由中心總幹事負責。在此,本人衷心感謝                      years, without which the Centre would not have been
              董事會在過去多年來的領導,俾使機構發展至如今的規模,同時                      able  to  achieve  so  much.  In  the  meantime,  we  are
              亦感謝管理委員會仝仁繼續留任帶領機構的服務,並期待未來與                      grateful to have the support from the full team of the
              福利協會有更緊密的合作。                                      Management  Committee  of  the  Centre  who  will
                                                                continue  to  serve  and  to  lead.  In  the  future,  we  look
              事實上,麥理浩夫人中心的服務也獲得各方的肯定和支持,包括                      forward to closer collaboration with Hong Kong Sheng
                                                                Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited.
                                                                Indeed,  the  work  of  the  Centre  has  received  wide
                                                                support  and  recognition  from  all  walks  of  society,
                                                                including government departments, charity funds and
                                                                our companion organizations. My special thanks go to
                                                                the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and Chow
              庭,同時亦感染到很多同行者,以義務方式支援機構的服務。當                      Tai  Fook  Charity  Foundation  for  their  continued
              中,前總幹事沃馮嬿琼女士帶領機構同工以積極創新的思維,設                      support   in   our      many   initiatives   such   as
              計服務以回應社區需要,帶動官、商、民、醫、牧區教堂和教育                      C-for-Chinese@JC  and  People’s  Talents  Bank,
              界與社會服務的合作,創下多項服務紀錄並獲獎無數。本人代表                      other  endeavours  include  the  opening  up  of  new
              管理委員會向沃太致以深切謝意。而新總幹事吳煜明先生在2017                    service  centres  and  provision  of  suitable  support
              年10月接任沃太交下的棒子,帶領同工繼續前行,亦盼望大家一                     services for ethnic minorities and other needy groups
              如以往地支持麥理浩夫人中心的服務,為社區、為坊眾,燃點希                      in the community.
                                                                I  am  pleased  that  our  staff  are  all  committed,
                                                                passionate and dedicated. Their enthusiasm to serve
              “The  Spirit  of  the  Lord  is  on  me,  because  he  has   has in turn inspired many to join and support us on a
              anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has
                                                                voluntary  basis.  Also,  with  the  guidance  of  former
              sent  me  to  proclaim  freedom  for  the  prisoners  and
                                                                Director Mrs. Yuk Fung Yin-king, the Centre has been
              recovery  of  sight  for  the  blind,  to  set  the  oppressed
                                                                able to bring innovation into the strategic planning of
                                                                service  programmes  while  promoting  collaboration
                                                   Luke 4:18
                                                                between  the  government,  business  sector,  medical
                                                                sector, education sector, the parish churches and the
              Thanks  be  to  God!  The  HKSKH  Lady  MacLehose
      Organization Information  welcoming the rainbow after the rains.  behalf of the Management Committee, I would like to
                                                                general public. With joint efforts amongst so many, the
              Centre (the Centre) has sailed through thick and thin,
                                                                Centre has received numerous awards in recognition
              and  by  the    grace  and  guidance  of  our  Lord  we  are
                                                                of our achievement in scaling new heights. As such, on
                                                                extend  our  grateful  appreciation  to  Mrs.  Yuk  for  her
              Since  the  1980s,  the  Centre  has  experienced
                                                                leadership. In October 2017, Mr. Benson Ng Yuk-ming
              continued development, and have evolved into a social
                                                                took  over  as  new  Director.  He  is  ready  to  bring  the
              service unit providing wide ranges of social services to
                                                                team  forward  as  the  Centre  continues  its  mission  in
              cater  for  the  changing  and  varying  needs  of  the
                                                                spreading  love  and  bringing  hope  to  the  community
              community. In April 2013, in a HKSKH General Synod
              Standing  Committee    resolution,  the  Centre  was
                                                                be  journeying  forth  to  spread  the  Gospel  to  all  men,
              amalgamated  into  the  Hong  Kong  Sheng  Kung  Hui
                                                                and walk with Christ  in love and concord!
              Welfare Council Limited.  The various teams under the    through the services it provides. I hope the Centre will
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